The Handknitter's Double-Knit Buttonband

Double-Knit Buttonband

UPDATE: Three patterns now include full instructions for double-knit bands if you would like line by line instructions of how to apply the band to a specific sweater. All of the bands are slightly different in width but all are picked up and attached through knitting rather than sewing.

A Pastoral Sweater: Long-tail cast-on; horizontal buttonholes

Wild Almond Long-tail cast-on; horizontal buttonholes

Hornbaek Cardigan Tubular cast-on with waste yarn; vertical buttonholes; joined at center back neck with either grafting or Modified Three-Needle Bind Off

Just a quick post here to announce that after a very long gap, I've finally added to my series on buttonbands by posting the full tutorial for a double-knit buttonband with matching buttonhole. This technique was first published in the Fall/Winter 2016 issue of knit.wear magazine along with a sweater pattern that used the technique. The full tutorial is now available here on my blog under the Techniques and Tutorials tab on the main page. I'll also be giving a talk about my passion for buttonbands including this technique and several others at the Big Apple Knitter's Guild meeting, this Saturday, September 14th, 2019 from 1–4 pm. The meeting is held at:

New York Society for Ethical Culture

Social Hall

2 West 64th Street (at Central Park West); New York, NY

Click the link above to find out more about the meeting and the guild in general. If you've never been to a Guild meeting and would like to come see what it's all about, your first visit is free.

I'll also be bringing loads of samples to try on so if there's a design of mine you've wondered about but want to see in real life, this will be a great opportunity. Hope to see you there.

Double-Knit Buttonband



New Pattern: The Dalmayr Hat