• Patterns purchased on sarahsolomondesigns.com will not be stored in your Ravelry library. If that's important to you, please shop directly from my shop on Ravelry.

  • I do my best to avoid errors but there’s always a chance one will slip in. You can check this list for any known errata and if you happen to find an error please get in touch. I always appreciate being alerted to any possible issues with a pattern.

  • I teach a variety of hands-on workshops and lectures and would love to hear from you. Please use the contact form here.

  • All of my patterns are professionally tech and copy edited to check sizing, math and ease of comprehension. All garment patterns contain full, detailed schematics and many contain information on how to choose appropriate yarn and give advice on customization options. I draw all of my own charts in Illustrator and have developed a style that I think is clear and legible in an effort to make the process of working from them as pleasant as possible. I also have my own method of charting that I use for many of my cabled garments that helps to show the overall patterning of the garment over the size range, rather than having the knitter rely on stringing many separate charts together.