Upcoming Events
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Lancaster Knitter’s Retreat
I’n thrilled to be one of the teacher’s at the 2024 Lanacaster Knitting Retreat. I’ll be teaching my very favorite class, Best Yarn for the Job and I will be joined by these fabulous teachers as well.
Selbu Knitting – Lorilee Beltman
Introduction to Double Knitting – Alasdair Post-Quinn
Many of my friends have taught at this event and have said that is one of their favorites to attend. Find more info at the link above.

An Introduction to Top-Down Sweater Knitting with Gotland Wool (Session 4 of 4) Live, Hands-On on ZOOM
Learn how to make your very own gorgeous heirloom Gotland sweater, start to finish, in four weeks.

An Introduction to Top-Down Sweater Knitting with Gotland Wool (Session 3 of 4) Live, Hands-On on ZOOM
Learn how to make your very own gorgeous heirloom Gotland sweater, start to finish, in four weeks.

An Introduction to Top-Down Sweater Knitting with Gotland Wool (Session 2 of 4) Live, Hands-On on ZOOM
Learn how to make your very own gorgeous heirloom Gotland sweater, start to finish, in four weeks.

An Introduction to Top-Down Sweater Knitting with Gotland Wool (Session 1 of 4) Live, Hands-On on ZOOM
Learn how to make your very own gorgeous heirloom Gotland sweater, start to finish, in four weeks.

Knit Your First Sweater – Session Two
There are few things as satisfying as being able to knit your very own sweater. But even if you’ve knit many other types of projects, knitting sweaters can involve many techniques and concepts that might still be unfamiliar to you. This two session class will serve as a firm foundation for your first sweater and teach you all of the techniques you will encounter along the way.
Students will come to class with a specific sweater pattern (see Supplies List below and pictures in description) and several blocked swatches which will help us to learn how to make a gauge swatch and measure accurately; we will then continue to work on the swatches as we go through the pattern, using them to try out the various techniques that will be needed throughout the sweater-knitting process and ensuring that you will be familiar with everything you need to know before you embark on your sweater, including methods of casting on and binding off, increases and decreases, selvedge stitches, keeping track of lengths and stitch patterns, blocking, seaming, and neckline treatments. We will also discuss general topics relating to sweater knitting including choosing a size, ease guidelines, how gauge affects the size you will get and how yarn choice determines the fabric you will get. Your class materials include an extensive handout to support all of the techniques covered. You will leave ready to begin your first sweater with confidence.
To sign up and see the complete listing including materials, homework and fees please go to Longmont Yarn Shoppe

Fleece to Fabric: the making of a knitwear collection from yarn to finished patterns
ON ZOOM: It takes a village to make a design collection, combining the skills of knitters, designers, technical specialists, photographers, models and many more; and in the case of Harrisville Designs it takes a literal village to make the yarn as well. Harrisville Designs has been family-owned and operated for 50 years, producing yarn in one of the best-preserved early-industrial villages in the nation. Yarn has been spun in this water-powered, brick mill town since 1794. Join Sarah Solomon, Harrisville’s Director of Knitwear Design, for this lecture all about the making of their latest knitwear collection. Have you ever wondered how a designer looks at a skein of new yarn and decides what it’s going to be? We’ll walk through the design process from swatching and sketching through the conceptualization of a coherent collection to the creation of patterns and finished samples so you can gain a deeper appreciation for the work that goes into creating a single piece.

Knit Your First Sweater – Session One
There are few things as satisfying as being able to knit your very own sweater. But even if you’ve knit many other types of projects, knitting sweaters can involve many techniques and concepts that might still be unfamiliar to you. This two session class will serve as a firm foundation for your first sweater and teach you all of the techniques you will encounter along the way.
Students will come to class with a specific sweater pattern (see Supplies List below and pictures in description) and several blocked swatches which will help us to learn how to make a gauge swatch and measure accurately; we will then continue to work on the swatches as we go through the pattern, using them to try out the various techniques that will be needed throughout the sweater-knitting process and ensuring that you will be familiar with everything you need to know before you embark on your sweater, including methods of casting on and binding off, increases and decreases, selvedge stitches, keeping track of lengths and stitch patterns, blocking, seaming, and neckline treatments. We will also discuss general topics relating to sweater knitting including choosing a size, ease guidelines, how gauge affects the size you will get and how yarn choice determines the fabric you will get. Your class materials include an extensive handout to support all of the techniques covered. You will leave ready to begin your first sweater with confidence.

NY State Sheep & Wool, Rhinebeck, NY
I’ll be at the Harrisville Designs booth along with our newest pattern samples, our talented team and a collection of our beautiful yarns. Stop by with questions, to try on a sample or just to see what’s new.